The Professional of the Year Award
is given to an outstanding administrator or teacher who is recognized as an extraordinary leader and who has contributed exceptional service to the Association and our profession.

Award Recipients

2024 Recipient | Terry Gendron

2023 Recipient | Dr. Kristie Lynch

2022 Recipient | Loretta “Lori” Bifarella
Previous Award Recipients
2019 Rhonda Clements, Ed.D.
2017 Dr. Clancy Seymour
2016 Dr. Tamela Ray
2014 Murphee Hayes
2013 Sandy Morley
2012 Dr. Shawn Ladda
2011 Dr. Alisa James
2010 Lisa Sherman
2009 Ron Burke
2008 Ron Whitcomb
2006 Enid Friedman
2005 Shannon Whalen
2004 Barbara Wurz
2003 Fred Apgar
2003 Ron Feingold
2001 Ellen Kowalski
2000 Sarah Doolittle
1999 Larry Debel
1998 Tony Viollis
1997 Linda Quitoni
1996 Judy Ingram