NYS AHPERD offers our members a number of grant opportunities including Foundation Grants and Zone Grants.  We also provide information and links to ongoing grant opportunities from other organizations.

NYS AHPERD Foundation Grants

The NYS AHPERD Foundation is offering eleven, $1,000 grants to members.  The purpose of the grants are to support:

·         Program development in the areas of health, physical education, recreation, or dance

·         Equipment purchase, and/or

·         Professional training for curriculum, instruction, and/or assessment which impacts student development

The last day to apply September 30, 2023!

Zone Grants

The following Zones offer grants:

Capital Zone

Central North Zone

Central Western Zone

Nassau Zone

Southeastern Zone

Suffolk Zone

Western Zone

Each Zone has their own criteria and funding amount.  Zone grants are available to current members of the individual Zone.


Please go to the individual Zone page to learn more.

Additional Grant Opportunities

For example:

Fit & Fun Playscapes

Youth Garden Grants

Milagro Foundation


For more information use the link below for a full list of additional grant opportunities.