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NYS AHPERD Foundation

Giving does not only precede receiving; it is the reason for it. It is in giving that we receive."

   -Israelmore Ayivor

The goal of the NYS AHPERD Foundation is to leave a strong and secure legacy for generations of educators to come. Your gift to the Foundation enables us to provide professional development opportunities, scholarships, grants & advocacy initiatives for our members.

2025 Foundation Grant

Eleven $1,000 grants will be awarded in 2025!  Applications are now available.  *NEW Deadline for submission is July 15, 2025.*

The purpose of the grants are to support:

·         Program development in the areas of health, physical education, recreation, or dance

·         Equipment purchase, and/or

·         Professional training for curriculum, instruction, and/or assessment which impacts student development

There are many ways you can make a contribution.

Review the fund types below to see a brief description.
After you make a choice, click the campaign button below to direct your gift further.

Honor Certificate

      Express your appreciation for the inspiration that special person has been in your life by presenting them with an Honor Certificate. This is a printed certificate.

Tribute Donation

      Tribute Giving is a way to recognize, honor, and celebrate people and events that are important to you by giving back to others. 


      A gift you give to a cause you believe in. 

In Memory Donation

      Choose NYS AHPERD to be a recipient of your memorial gifts. This is a thoughtful way to remember your loved one while supporting our mission, which was near and dear to their heart. 

History of Giving

We sincerely thank and acknowledge those who have given so generously to the NYS AHPERD Foundation 2014-Present.

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Ways to Give

The value of a gift to the NYS AHPERD Foundation is immeasurable. When making the important decision of how and when to make your gift, there are many choices available to you for structuring a donation in a manner that will allow for the maximum impact both for your benefit and for the Foundation.

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Past President Legacy Grant

The Past Presidents of NYS AHPERD support the growth of the organization and the Foundation which funds our grants and scholarships for our members.

Please click here review our Past President Grant contributors.

Founding Benefactors

A review of our Founding Benefactors- those individuals who committed a financial pledge in establishing the NYS AHPERD Foundation.

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Foundation Endeavors

The Foundation sponsors the Ken Demas Leadership Academy, awards professional membership grants and provides Foundation Scholarships to support undergraduate students’ attendance at the NYS AHPERD annual conference.

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Contribution Levels

Friend of the Foundation  $1  – $499
Foundation Scholar  $500  – $999
Bronze Contributor  $1,000 – $2,499
Silver Contributor $2,500 – $4,999
Gold Contributor $5,000 – $9, 999
Diamond Contributor $10,000 – $20, 000

If you would like to become a Foundation Benefactor, please call the Executive Director at 315-823-1015.

Congratulations to the following individuals who have been awarded $1,000 grants in 2024 from the NYS AHPERD Foundation


Tara Nelsen (Nassau) Past Presidents Legacy Grant
Tricia Livingston (Suffolk)
Stephanie Barbero (Central Western)
Jodi Fowler (Capital)
Melissa Pierce (Central Western)
Haley Wise (Central North)
Laura Jelonek (Western)
Brittany Clemens (Central South)
Sheldon Sucre (NYC)
Cheryl Mustacchio (Suffolk)
Craig Zorn (Southeastern) Frank Bartock Legacy Grant
Kaitlin Principe (Western)


The individuals were honored at the General Session on Friday, November 22, 2024 - at the NYS AHPERD 86th Annual conference at the Turning Stone Convention Center.

Foundation Certificates

Honor Certificates

Express your appreciation for the inspiration that special person has been in your life by presenting them with an Honor Certificate...

Ken Demas Leadership Academy


We support the annual KDLA. A one-of-a-kind conference, offering three days of interactive workshops/activities with outstanding professionals designed to help future professionals in HPERD become effective leaders.

2024 Leadership Academy

Camp Echo Lake: September 2024

2025 Foundation Grants Available


Eleven $1,000 grants will be given out in 2025.

Undergraduate Student Foundation Scholarships


We award 5 $250 scholarships to Undergraduate Students at the Jay B. Nash Awards Dinner during the Annual Conference to help offset the cost of attending the conference the following year.

Name a NYS AHPERD Foundation Legacy Grant 

Individuals or groups have the opportunity to NAME an annual NYS AHPERD Foundation Grant of $1,000. The individual or group will pay $15,000 over 5-years to the NYS AHPERD Foundation.  Grant will be awarded each year at the state conference.

Donate Today

A significant portion of the Foundation giving goes to support our future professionals, those who will carry our torch into the future. Remember these words by Albert Camus, philosopher, and author, " Real Generosity towards the future lies in giving to the present."

Foundation Trustees

Morley, S 2021
Sandy Morley

Foundation President

NYS AHPERD Past President


Contact Sandy

Amundson, R
Rick Amundson

Foundation Treasurer

NYS AHPERD Past President


Howard, T 2021
Tom Howard

Foundation Secretary

NYS AHPERD Past President


Corsi, C
Colleen Corsi


daggett sara flip
Sara Daggett

 NYS AHPERD Past President


F 2023 Manson
Dr. Mara Manson

NYS AHPERD Past President


Oaks, B 2021
C. Brian Oaks

NYS AHPERD Past President


Quitoni, J 2021
Jason Quitoni

NYS AHPERD Past President


Jessica Synenki

NYS AHPERD Executive Director

Donor Top

Founding Diamond Benefactor $10,000 and above

Rick and Diane Amundson

Leila Baker

Colleen and Sam Corsi

Sara Daggett

Larry Debel

Toni and Michael Hagerman

Tom and Pam Howard

Sandy Morley

C. Brian and Bonnie Oaks

Jason and Linda Quitoni

Lisa Sherman

NYS AHPERD Council of Administrators

NYS AHPERD Central North Zone

NYS AHPERD Southeastern Zone

Founding Commerical Benefactor $10,000

G & G Fitness

Founding Diamond Coalition $10,000

Carol Atkins

Lori Bifarella

Teresa Gendron

Frank Healy

Brandon and Emily Herwick

Wendy and Dennis O'Connor

Allison Relyea

Joann Sabourin

Jessica Verrigni

Frances Vincent

Founding Gold Benefactors $5,000

Ken and Claire Demas

Ron and Donna Feingold

Catharine Haight

Judy Ingram

Alisa James and Diane Skwirz

Mara Manson and Janet Bayer

Gerald Mergardt

Lee Middlestaedt

NYS AHPERD Capital Zone

NYSAHPERD Catskill Zone

NYS AHPERD Central South Zon

NYS AHPERD Central Western Zone


Past President Grant contributors

Rick Amundson
George Blessing
Sara Daggett
Larry Debel
Tom Fay (contributed by anonymous donor)
Ron Feingold
Toni Hagerman
Cathy Haight
Tom Howard
Lisa Hrehor
Judy Ingram
Jason Lehmbeck
Mara Mason
Rod Mergardt
Kate Merrill
Sandy Morley
Brian Oaks
Jason Quitoni
Tamela Ray
Clancy Seymour
Lisa Sherman
Barbara Southwick
Paula Summit
Ron Whitcomb

G&G Fitness

They will fit you with the right equipment, teach you how to use it, and be with you every step of the way.

Thank you G&G!

We are grateful to G&G Fitness for supporting the NYS AHPERD Foundation by becoming the sole Commercial Founding Benefactor.

G&G Fitness Equipment is a full-service provider of specialty home and commercial fitness equipment. Since 1990, the G&G Fitness Companies have evolved into one of the premier sources of fitness solutions in the United States