The Bernard E. Hughes Award
Through the Bernard E. Hughes Award, the Association recognizes persons and organizations outside the professions of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance who have made outstanding contributions to New York State AHPERD or the professions of Health, Physical Education, Recreation or Dance.

Award Recipients

2024 Recipient | Jordan Stolp, GOPHER

2023 Recipient | Pamela Gunther, Fit & Fun Playscapes

2020 Recipient | Tim Flynn, Special Olympics LI Team
Previous Award Recipients
2019 David Selover
2018 Cliff Sperber
2017 Melissa Bailey
2016 New York City Council
2015 Assemblywoman Catherine Nolan
2014 Senator Kirsten Gillibrand
2012 Black River Outdoor Education Program formerly known as Potato Hill Farm
2011 Patricia Kocialski
2004 Rebecca Gardner
2002 Congressman Joseph Crowley, 7th District
Congressman John Sweeney, 22nd District
Charles H. Bohlen Jr
Amy Beckstead
Darcy Peterson
Chris Holloway
Joan Urbano
Jack J. Boak
2000 Roger Reynolds - Human Kinetics
1999 Healthfirst Corp.
Polar Electro Inc.
1997 Anita Manpel - American Heart Association of Syracuse
1996 Adam Paley - Market Hill Advertising
1995 Colleen Canorro - State Education Department
1994 John M. Fabozzi - State Education Department
1993 Don Pranzo - Academic Sportfolio
1991 Project Adventure
NY State Special Olympics
1990 Albert Lawrence - Lawrence Group
Michael Wilson - American Heart Association
Philip DeMaria - American Heart Association
1989 Nancy Mariano
Susan Gordon Ryan
Sonja Kuntzler
1988 Father Frank Pizzarelli
1987 Karen Koch
Ken Chichester
Chris Chichester
1986 Dr. Willard A. Genrich, Champion Products, Inc.
1983 Stephen Cook
1981 R.T. French Company
1980 Alton D. Doyle
1979 Father Peter Young
1978 Parker Yutzler
1977 Richard McLean
Mrs. Eunice Shriver, Special Olympics
1974 George E. Anderson
1970 John K. Archer, Arthur B. Eddy, Senator Edward J. Speno