The reason NYS AHPERD is a highly respected association across the country is because of our volunteer leadership.  We have been privileged to have leaders of extraordinary character, they are honest, accountable, courageous, fair, dedicated and intensely loyal.  These leadership qualities create tremendous enthusiasm and admiration from members, which leads to a high level of productivity as evidenced in products, services and most importantly in friendships. Serving in the presidential rotation or on the board of directors is an amazing way to give back to the leaders who have paved the way.


2019 CNZ Awards

Zone Leadership and Volunteer Opportunities

NYS AHPERD is a multitiered association that offers many opportunities to get involved.  One of the best places to start is at the local or Zone level.  Attending Zone meetings getting to know your colleagues and volunteering to serve on a committee is a great first step.  The opportunities to serve are numerous and the gratitude for that service is sincere. Don't hesitate to tag a-long with some amazing people you never know where that path will lead!

Section Leadership

We have 15 different sections that range from health and physical education to dance, aquatics, and coaching.  Our sections each have a president who sits as a voting member of the executive council.  The job of a section president is to share resources with section members and help our conference director plan our annual conference.  This a wonderfully exciting way to get involved in NYS AHPERD!   

Board of Directors 1000
Board of Directors 1000


You want to get involved in your professional association, but your concerned about the time commitment, we have a place for you!  There are numerous opportunities to serve on local and state level committees and we are always in search of passionate volunteers.   Come on and join us!.