What lies at the foundation of great teaching?
Becoming a great teacher is a career long journey that requires one to think deeply about their day-to-day teaching strategies in order to strengthen their practice. A great teacher takes time to reflect and make appropriate adjustments. Students deserve to be in vibrant classrooms where they experience enthusiasm and a passion for learning.
Dynamic, in-depth professional development shared teacher to teacher, allows for expanded knowledge as it applies to curriculum, instruction and assessment methods, social emotional learning, diversity, equity, resiliency, and leadership. Our on-line Professional Development Institute
The teacher who is indeed wise, does not bid you to enter the house of his wisdom, but rather leads you to the threshold of your mind. Kahlil Gibran
Frequently Asked Questions
Complimentary Virtual Professional Development
Please find posted all of the complimentary virtual professional development we have offered to our members.

Facilitated by Dr. Kristie Lynch (Health Section President), Dr. Sheri Treadwell (EDI Section President) & Shelly Ellis (SHAPE America Middle School PE Teacher of the Year) Join the presenters for an insightful discussion on social and emotional learning in the current teaching landscape. Learn how teachers guide their students to regulate their emotions, set and achieve goals, show empathy for others and maintain positive relationships while navigating curriculums through remote, in-person, hybrid and hyflex teaching environments. We invite you to share your experiences about this topic, reflect and come away with new strategies to help inform your best SEL teaching practices.

Presented by Brad Weiner, Montgomery County Public Schools, MD & SHAPE America Adapted PE TOY. There is a misunderstanding surrounding adapted physical education that trickles throughout the educational system. This presentation will clarify the what, why, and how, so that students may receive the services they need. By the end of the session, the audience will leave will resources to support their advocacy and implementation of adapted physical education services.

Presented by Paul Forbes, NYCDOE Office of Equity and Access
During our time together, participants will come to understand how we can hold egalitarian values while simultaneously creating policies and practices that do not reconcile with those egalitarian views and how they can lead to inequitable and disparate outcomes. As we think about and create policies, practices and procedures that are related to "equity, diversity and inclusivity", it's important that we each first do introspective and reflective work. If not, we can actually deepen and widen the gaps that we are working and striving to close.

What our members are saying...

"NYS AHPERD makes virtual professional development stress-free with topics ranging from consent to valid sources of health information. Convenient times, video recordings and CTLE credit are added extras! "
Jen Mead

"As a member of NYS AHPERD, I have benefited from outstanding and timely professional development presented by experienced professionals who are leaders in their fields."
Margaret Robelee

Through NYS AHPERD I've had the opportunity to meet and learn from some of the best educators across the country. I have had access to curriculum resources that have helped me as a professional. There is always more to learn and NYS AHPERD is always there to help!
Richelle Calderon