Past President Archives - 1970-Present

Margaret Robelee
2023 – 2024
Shine Your Light | Lead The Way
Presidential Highlight:

Shelly Connors
2022 – 2023
Help Them to Walk | Teach Them to Run | Dare Them to Fly
Presidential Highlight:

Murphee Hayes
2021 – 2022
SOAR: Strength. Optimism. Aspiration. Resiliency
Presidential Highlight:

Dr. Clancy Seymour
Conference Theme: “A Professional Legacy is a Journey” What Path Will You Travel?
Presidential Highlight: Second Edition of the Curriculum & Assessment Guidance Document: A Physical Education Resource

Tamela Ray
Conference Theme: Embrace Health & Physical Literacy: Live it
Presidential Highlight: Led the creation of the NYS AHPERD EDI policy.

David Garbarino
Conference Theme: Teachable Moments: Passionate Engaged Enlightened
Presidential Highlight:

Monica Wolfe
Conference Theme: Connect, Grow, Do
Presidential Highlight: Instrumental in the creation of NYS AHPERD Mascot’s Finley!

James Rose
Conference Theme: Skills for Longevity
Presidential Highlight: Spearheaded the creation of the Technology Section.

Dr. Alisa James
Conference Theme: Vision + Action = Change
Presidential Highlight: Authored the Curriculum & Assessment Guidance Document: A Physical Education Resource

Gerard “Rod” Mergardt

Lisa Sherman
Conference Theme: Honor the Past, Celebrate the Present, Embrace the Future
Presidential Highlight: Instituting the NYS AHPERD Advocacy initiatives and committee

Jason Quitoni
Conference Theme: Footprints to our Future
Presidential Highlight: Established the NYS AHPERD “Joy of Effort” Award

Mara Manson
Conference Theme: Many Cultures One World: A Celebration of Diversity
Presidential Highlight: Designed and implemented the NYS AHPERD Online Institute for Professional Development

Jason Lehmbeck
Conference Theme: “Together with Passion and Purpose”
Presidential Highlight: Had the first Health Section Keynote during the annual conference.
Section Presidents assumed the role of State Conference Program Planners.

Lisa Hrehor
Conference Theme: Recreating our World through Wellness
Presidential Highlight: Lloyd Mott was hired as a consultant to COA and NYS AHPERD.

C. Brian Oaks
Conference Theme: You are the Most Important Piece
Presidential Highlight: Highest recorded membership to date (4065) during term.

Sara Daggett
Conference Theme: With Hearts, Brains and Courage Discovering our Futures Together
Presidential Highlight: First conference with financing for sections under the new reorganization plan

Tom Howard
Conference Theme: Let’s Make This Our Finest Hour!
Presidential Highlight: Executive Council and Board of Directors established a policy creating funds for the Jump Rope for Heart money to help fund the Section Treasury

Paula Hamada Summit
Conference Theme: Small Steps…BIG CHANGE!
Presidential Highlight: Implemented the first Executive Training at the Conference

Ronald Whitcomb
Conference Theme: YOU Can Make it Happen!
Presidential Highlight: Creating clear job descriptions for Zone and Section Presidents, and duties for Sections and Zones

Catharine Haight
Conference Theme: Passion and Commitment: The Foundation for Excellence
Presidential Highlight: Held first Executive Council meeting in the central office

John A. “Jack” Baker, EdD
Conference Theme: Strength from Within
Presidential Highlight: Dedicated the Central Office building
John A. “Jack” Baker passed away on May 27, 2015

Toni Hagerman
Conference Theme: “Getting to the Heart of Education”
Presidential Highlight: Orchestrated the purchase of the building at 77 North Ann Street, Little Falls, NY for the Central Office.

Rick Amundson
Conference Theme: “The Future is Now!”
Presidential Highlight: Initiated the use of sponsorships to the association

Kate Merrill
Conference Theme: “2000 Moves For The New Millennium”
Presidential Highlight: NYSFHPE joins ranks with NYS AHPERD.
State Service Award is renamed the Distinguished Service Award.

Larry Debel
Conference Theme: “Spring to New Heights”
Presidential Highlight: Expanded the role of Executive Director from quarter time to full-time position.
Colleen Corsi was hired as full-time Executive Director beginning in September 1998.

Sandra Morley
Conference Theme: “Working Together For A Healthy State”
Presidential Highlight: First joint conference between NYS AHPERD and NYSFPHE.
Creation of webpage for the Association and began the use of email as the primary source of communication.

George Blessing
Conference Theme: “Impact on Tomorrow”
Presidential Highlight: Newsletter assembled and printed in Central Office

Judith A. Harris
Conference Theme: “Listen to Understand”
Presidential Highlight: Designated Flaghouse as the official supplier of equipment for the conference

Ken Demas
Conference Theme: “Common Goals – Different Roles”
Presidential Highlight: Initiation of the Monograph Series of publications by NYS AHPERD
Kenneth R. Demas passed away on May 10, 2017

Judy Ingram
Conference Theme: “Educate Through the Physical”
Presidential Highlight: First use of “breakouts” after a keynote and began the “Follow the Leader” program for students at the annual conference.

Tom Fay
Conference Theme: “Shaping The Future From The Grassroots”
Presidential Highlight: Acted as part-time Executive Director for the Association following his presidency.

Arlene Seguine
Conference Theme: “Get Healthy Fun, Be In The Run For ’91”
Presidential Highlight: Establishment of the PERN network (PE Resource)

Michael Marcus
Conference Theme: “Share Your Knowledge, You Have Much To Offer”
Presidential Highlight: Naismith Centennial Celebration program initiated to take place in 1991
Click Here for More

Shirley Bowen
Conference Theme: “Creating Active Lifestyles”
Presidential Highlight: Mission Statement drafted for NYS AHPERD

Sam Utter
Conference Theme: “Participate in ’88”
Presidential Highlight: Publication of pamphlet ” What Everyone Should Know About PE in NYS”

Barbara E. Southwick
Conference Theme: “Humanism is H.P.E.R.D”
Presidential Highlight: Re-established a viable Student Section

John “Jack” Ault
Conference Theme: “Be Fit in ’86”
Presidential Highlight: Robert Jackson is dismissed as Executive Director.

Phyllis Bigel
Conference Theme: “Come Alive in ’85”
Presidential Highlight: Adhoc committee was formed to examine the structure and function of NYS AHPERD.

Ron Feingold
Conference Theme: “A Time for Movement”
Presidential Highlight: Fought to keep Physical Education funding through the SED

Barbara DiPalma
Conference Theme: “Unify – We Need You More in ’84”
Presidential Highlight: Worked with NYS Regents/Commissioner at Regional Conferences to retain mandates in PE and Health.
In October 1983, the “D” first appears in print in the Association acronym, NYS AHPERD.

Ronald Hoffman
Conference Theme: “Joining Together To Create A Better Life”
Presidential Highlight: Robert Jackson is appointed part-time Executive Director.
Retirees Section adopted the slogan “We’re Waiting For You”
Hoffman passed away on October 15, 1985

Martilu Puthoff
Presidential Highlight: Central Office moves to 19 Fiddlers’ Lane, Lathem.

Norm Fullerton
Conference Theme: “Caring Enough To Do Our Best”
Presidential Highlight: Initiated Jump Rope for Heart

Angela Whisher
Conference Theme: “Purpose-Perseverance -Progress”
Presidential Highlight: Participated in the groundbreaking for the AAHPER national headquarters in Reston, Va as part of the LDC
Angeline Whisher passed away on August 4, 2023

Roger T. Bunce
Conference Theme: “Joining Together To Create A Better Life”
Presidential Highlight: Robert Jackson is appointed part-time Executive Director.
Retirees Section adopted the slogan “We’re Waiting For You”

Doris Soladay
Presidential Highlight: Incorporation of the Council for Health Ed, Council for Physical Education, Council for Recreation and the Council of Administrations

Robert Bub
Presidential Highlight: Association presents a paper defending mandates at the state level

H. Jean Berger
Presidential Highlight: Zone boundaries are reset from 19 to 21 Zones

Richard A. Ahkao
Conference Theme: ” Toward A Better Life”
Presidential Highlight: Fought for the implementation of Commissioners Rules and Regulations governing Health and Physical Education

Edith M. Cobane
Conference Theme: ” Changes That Challenge”
Presidential Highlight: Statewide membership campaign initiated

James A. Runyan
Presidential Highlight: Name change to read: NYS Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Inc.
Slates for president will be for women on odd numbered years and men on even numbered years

John J. Grant
Conference Theme: “Re Design”
Presidential Highlight: Bernard E. Hughes resigns as Executive Director effective June 30, 1971. David S. Rothenberg is appointed Active Executive Director from July 1 – June 30, 1972.

Doris M. Botsch
Conference Theme: ” Toward A Better Life”
Presidential Highlight: Fought for the implementation of Commissioners Rules and Regulations governing Health and Physical Education