Zone website (1)
NYS AHPERD consists of 11 Zones which are divided by geographical boundaries.

Each Zone ideally has a presidential team including a president-elect, a president, and a past president who together provide overall leadership to Zone members.  The president represents the Zone membership at state executive council meetings five times each year.  There is a local Zone board made up of a representative of each of our association sections and an assortment of committee chairs and committee members.  Primary responsibilities are coordinating meetings, local professional development programs, Zone awards, and other activities.

As a member of NYS AHPERD, you automatically become a member of your local Zone, if you live and work in counties that belong to different Zones, you have the opportunity to select the Zone you would like to affiliate with.

Click on an image below to go to the individual Zone page. 

Not sure which Zone you belong in?  Select your county below to find out!