Past Lifetime Service Recipients

The 2023 recipient of the NYS AHPERD Lifetime Service Award is Tom Howard.
Tom received his bachelor's degree in health, physical education and recreation from Southern Connecticut State College, his master’s degree in health education from Adelphi University and his Administrative Certification from Long Island University. Tom was the Director of Physical Education and Athletics in the Farmingdale School District before retiring in 2003. He is presently an Adjunct Professor at Adelphi University.
Tom has been the Recording Secretary of the Section VIII High School Athletic Association, President of Conference III Modified Athletic Council, a member of both the State Chemical Health Committee and the NYSAAA Professional Development Committee.
In service to NYS AHPERD, Tom has been a member of the Jay B. Nash Awards Committee, Retirees Section President, he served as Chair of the Teacher of the Year Awards Committee and the Distinguished Service/Professional of the Year Awards Committee and he continues to serve as Chair of the Necrology Committee and a member on the Director of the Year Award Committee. Tom was the Secretary of the Executive Council for six years, he served as President of the Association in 2005-2006 and was on the Board of Directors for six years serving as secretary. He has written numerous articles for NYS AHPERD Newsletters; was the NYS Representative to the EDA Council for Services in 2004 and has been on the EDA Future Professionals Mini Conference Committee since 2009. Tom has presented at multiple state and zone conferences and was the speaker for the Ron Feingold Lecture Series in 2019.
Tom has been recognized with a Bay Shore High School yearbook dedication, West Babylon High School Outstanding Teacher Blue/Gold Award, CYO Man of the Year for Long Island, the COA Zone Achievement Award, NYS AAA Zone Recognition Award, March of Dimes Golden Apple Award for Educational Excellence, NYSUT Friend of Education Award, the Adelphi University Alumni Award and the Town of Babylon Aquatics Award.

The 2022 recipient of the NYS AHPERD Lifetime Service Award is Sandra G. Morley
Sandy earned her degrees from SUNY Cortland, Adelphi University, and the Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts. She was a physical education teacher for 25 years before retiring in 2011 as the principal at Bethlehem Middle School in Delmar. Sandy served as the NYS AHPERD president in 1996 and was a member of the board of directors for 11 years, five of which she served as board of director’s chair. She is a Founding Benefactor and currently serves as president of the NYS AHPERD Foundation, and a presenter at the Ken Demas Future Professional Leadership Academy. In service to the Capital Zone, Sandy has served as Zone president and on numerous committees. She implemented the annual Physical Education Elementary Student Leadership Awards program and on the program’s 20th anniversary, it was renamed in her honor. She has received numerous awards, including the NYS AHPERD Professional of the Year, Distinguished Service Award, and the Joy of Effort Award. She also received the AAHPERD Pathfinder Award and the EDA Merit Award in Recreation. She is a member of the Mamaroneck High School Athletic Hall of Fame, an inductee and past president of the SUNY Cortland “C” Club Hall of Fame. A colleague wrote, “When I think of our beloved organization, I quickly envision Sandy. Over the years, this lifetime member has loyally served this organization in every way possible always with integrity, class and love.”

The 2020/21 recipient of the NYS AHPERD Lifetime Service Award is Robert Kenney
Bob obtained his bachelor’s degree from Adelphi University, his masters from Hunter College, along with his Administrative Certification he received from New York University. Bob started his career as a physical education teacher and ended his career as the Director of Health, Physical Education, Recreation & Athletics in the Hicksville School District. He was a member of NYS AHPERD for over fifty years, on the Executive Council for nine years, Board of Directors for six, and had also served as the President of the Retirees Section. Bob was a devoted member to the Nassau Zone holding office various years as Zone Historian, President, Treasurer, Conference Chair, Retiree Section President, Retiree Awards Chair, on the Executive Board and on the Budget Committee. He received many awards including the Nassau Zone Honor Award, Nassau Zone Amazing Person, Retiree Section Amazing Person, and the AHPERD National Director of the Year in Zone 1. In his lifetime of service to his students dating back to the 1960’s he coached football, track, and boy’s basketball. Robert took a special interest in his students helping to create multiple activity clinics for students, and instituted both an “Introduction to Sports Medicine” and “Off Campus Physical Education” program for Hicksville High School. Robert was a wonderful leader and asset to the health and physical education community and will be greatly missed. President Seymour, let us together celebrate Robert Kenney and his lifetime service to NYS AHPERD as we honor him posthumously with our Lifetime Service Award.

The 2019 recipient of the NYS AHPERD Lifetime Service Award is Judy Ingram.
Judy earned her degrees from Springfield College and SUNY Stony Brook. Fifty-six years ago, she began her career as a physical education teacher in the Sachem School District. In 1971 Judy joined the staff at Center Moriches where she taught until her retirement 25 years later. Judy has devoted her professional life to NYS AHPERD as demonstrated by her extensive list of leadership roles and contributions. At the state level, she served as association president in 1993 and subsequently served as a member of the Board of Directors. Judy fulfilled the role of Executive Council parliamentarian and with her knowledge and expertise, chaired the Bylaws & Operating Codes Committee. For over 20 years, she has been a member of this committee, helping to ensure necessary changes are made to the important documents governing NYS AHPERD. She was chair of both the state Necrology Committee and the Jump Rope for Heart and Hoops for Heart Task Force. Judy served as president of the Suffolk Zone and for over a decade, she remained on the Suffolk Zone board and the Jump Rope for Heart Committee. She served as president of the Retirees Section and held numerous positions in the Section, including secretary and program planner. Now, in retirement, she is an advocate for retirees to remain involved and has been a valued member of the conference registration team since its inception. Judy has been extensively engaged with the Eastern District Association, serving as president, conference program director, and a Board of Governors representative to the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance. Judy is a Foundation trustee and a Diamond level contributor; all because of her sincere desire to help fulfill the goal of the Foundation to leave a strong and secure legacy for generations of educators to come. She has been honored with many professional awards, including the NYS AHPERD Distinguished Service Award, Professional of the Year Award, and the Ginny Kendall Retirees Amazing Person Award, as well as the Eastern District Tilia J. Fantasia Award. Her colleagues wrote, "Judy has, indeed, given a lifetime of love and service to NYS AHPERD. Her passion, devotion, and energy are unparalleled and have been the standard by which many have tried to emulate. Judy believes strongly in our profession and our mission, and has contributed greatly to the direction we have taken over the past 45 years; a professional lifetime." Let us together celebrate Judy Ingram and her lifetime service to NYS AHPERD as we honor her with our 2019 Lifetime Service Award.

The 2018 recipient of the NYS AHPERD Lifetime Service Award is Dr. Thomas Fay.
Dr. Fay received his degrees from Ithaca College, St. Lawrence University and Boston University. Fifty years ago, he began his career as a physical education teacher in Madrid-Waddington Central School. In 1972 Tom joined the staff of St. Lawrence University and for the next 38 years, served the University as a professor in the Department of Physical Education and Sport Studies and as a coach. He experienced great success with his students and his athletes, as he became the all-time winningest coach in the St. Lawrence baseball program's history. The baseball complex is named in Tom's honor. In service to NYS AHPERD, Tom has an extensive list of leadership roles and contributions. He served as Association president, a member of the Executive Council, and served as part-time executive director for six years. As executive director, Tom created "The Links" newsletter to ensure members were current in what was happening in our profession. He promoted the hiring of a full-time executive director to steer the association and was instrumental in hiring Colleen Corsi. Tom played a key role on numerous projects working in collaboration with the State Education Department, including the development of the Physical Education Profile. He served as committee chair for the preliminary draft "Framework for Health, Physical Education and Home Economics." His work and the collective work of Association members brought over two million dollars in grant money to the Association for development of content as well as rollout and turnkey training programs, which lasted over a 10-year period. Tom has been honored with the NYS AHPERD Distinguished Service Award and the Higher Education Section Amazing Person Award. A colleague wrote, "Dr. Fay's dedication to NYS AHPERD is legendary. He has engaged hundreds of our leaders and our future leaders; recognizing the influence, excellence, and strength of our young professionals and nurturing their involvement in our profession. Dr. Fay's leadership and guidance was a cornerstone in the growth and development of NYS AHPERD as a viable and strong association with real goals, strength, clarity and vision." President Garbarino, let us together celebrate Dr. Fay and his lifetime service to NYS AHPERD as we honor him with our 2018 Lifetime Service Award.

The 2017 recipient of the NYS AHPERD Lifetime Service Award is Dr. Ron Feingold.
For 35 years, Ron served as a professor and chair of the Department of Health Studies, Physical Education and Human Performance Science at Adelphi University, and for five years he served as dean of the Ruth S. Ammon School of Education at Adelphi. Ron is a past president of the National Association of Physical Education in Higher Education; the Eastern District Association; the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance; the International Association of School Supervisors of Physical Education, as well as past president of NYS AHPERD. Dr. Feingold helped establish a world summit on physical activity for children. He participated in a meeting with representatives from over 100 countries in Paris to discuss the value of sport for children. He has given over 70 presentations in 14 countries. Thirty pieces of his work have been published. In service to NYS AHPERD, Ron was founder and president of the Higher Education Section, Future Professionals Section advisor, and treasurer, and served as a member of a crucial Roles and Responsibilities Committee. At the Zone level, he has served as a Nassau Zone board member for 40 years, chair of the Nassau Zone Awards Committee, and liaison to the American Heart Association for Jump Rope for Heart. He was also co-chair of the NYS Physical Activity Coalition. Ron has been an instrumental part of numerous projects working in collaboration with the State Education Department, including being one of the authors of The Adult Roles Paper, and the New York State Learning standards. He is currently a member of the NYS AHPERD Foundation board of trustees. Ron has received awards too numerous to list, although four of note are: the NYS AHPERD Distinguished Service Award in 1987, and the NYS AHPERD Professional of the Year Award in 2002, the Luther Halsey Gulick Award, which is the highest honor the SHAPE American bestows in recognition of long and distinguished service, and in 2014, he was inducted into the AAHPERD Hall of Fame. Ron's work is truly his vocation; he has distinguished himself among the very best our profession has to offer; he has set the standard for all of us to follow. He is an exemplary leader and has dedicated his life to proclaiming the importance of quality health and physical education programs. For all that Ron has contributed throughout his professional life to the success of NYS AHPERD, he has our deepest appreciation, our deepest respect, and our deepest gratitude. President Wolfe, let us together celebrate Dr. Feingold and his lifetime service to NYS AHPERD as we honor him with our 2017 Lifetime Service Award.

The 2016 recipient of the NYS AHPERD Lifetime Service Award is Ken Demas.
The 2016 recipient of the NYS AHPERD Lifetime Service Award is Ken Demas. As of this month, I have known Ken for 62 years, which gives me a unique insight to him both personally and professionally. I have witnessed time and time again, the inspiration and guide he has been to countless people in our profession. His contributions, accomplishments, and the impact he has had on our profession and NYS AHPERD have been extraordinary. In 1967 he began teaching elementary school in the Mamaroneck Central School District. Ken excelled as a creative and innovative teacher and his leadership abilities qualified him to serve as department chair at Hommocks Middle School for 14 years. This led to him becoming a legendary cornerstone in the success of the Mamaroneck Districts' physical education program. In service to the profession, Ken served for seven years as Southeastern Zone president. Under his direction, the Zone became a strong and viable influence within NYS AHPERD. He has served on the Board of Directors for 9 years, always during times when the Association was making significant decisions that ultimately impacted the Association related to financial growth and stability. He has been Chair of the Board of Directors for the past 4 years and presided over his final meeting this past Wednesday. He was elected to the presidency of NYS AHPERD in 1993. His Conference theme was "Common Goals - Different Roles". Ken has served on numerous committees at the national, district, state and Zone levels, including but not limited to: NASPE's National Standards for Physical Education committee; National Board for Professional Teaching Standards committee, Eastern District Association, Honor Awards Committee NYS AHPERD Teacher of the Year; Professional of the Year, and Distinguished
Service Award committees, Chair of the Constitution and Operating Codes committee, Goals 2000 Statewide Initiative committee member and workshop facilitator, Statewide Assessment Taskforce committee and the Southeastern Zone Mini Grant committee. In 2007 he served as the Retirees Section President. He is currently the Treasurer of the NYS AHPERD Foundation. Ken has a very impressive list of publications. Whether it be a chapter review or an article for a professional journal, he has shared great insight to the teaching profession. He has presented many times over at district, Zone and state conferences including, at 20 National Conventions. Ken has been honored with numerous awards including, South Eastern Zone, Distinguished Physical Educator; NYS AHPERD Middle School Physical Education Teacher of the Year, The Eastern District Middle School Teacher of the Year; In 1996 he received the NYS AHPERD Distinguished Service Award, at that time the highest award bestowed on a NYS AHPERD member; for meritorious service. He received an Amazing Person Award from the Retirees and the Future Professional Sections. For all that Ken has contributed throughout his professional life to the success of NYS AHPERD he has our appreciation, our respect and our gratitude. Mr. President let us together celebrate Ken and his lifetime service to NYS AHPERD as we honor him with our 2016 Lifetime Service Award.

The 2015 recipient of the NYS AHPERD Lifetime Service Award is Jack Baker.
Dr. John A. "Jack" Baker, was the consummate Physical Educator. He was a leader among leaders, a true gentleman, mentor, visionary and we benefited from his intelligence, integrity, selflessness, and his humor. Jack received his Bachelor of Science Degree from Brockport State College, his Master of Science Degree from the University of Colorado and his Doctorate from Arizona State University. He began his physical education teaching career at Canton Central School teaching grades K-12. During Jack's career, he taught physical education teacher preparation courses at the University of Portland and Murray State University. He retired from the University at Buffalo where he was an Associate Professor in the Department of Physical Therapy and Exercise Science. His service to our profession began in 1972 when he was elected President of Kentucky AHPERD. Through the years, Jack has held numerous positions within NYS AHPERD. He served as Western Zone President, NYS AHPERD president in 2001, he was a Member of the Board of Directors, state Journal Editor, state Treasurer for eleven years, Conference Site Selection Committee, Chair of the Distinguished Service and Professional of the year Awards committee, chair of the bylaws and operating codes committee, just to name a few. He graciously shared his wealth of experience and knowledge as a teacher, coach and professional. His presentations at meetings and conferences and are legend. His achievements did not go unnoticed as accolades were received from the Council for Physical Education Service Award, the Higher Education Section Service Award and the Higher Education, Research Section Service Award and the Retirees Section. In 1991 he was awarded, our then highest award bestowed on a member for meritorious service, the State's Distinguished Service Award. Let us together celebrate Jack and his lifetime service to NYS AHPERD as we posthumously bestow upon him our first NYS AHPERD Lifetime Service Award. A life well lived, well done Dr. Baker…