Curriculum and Assessment Guidance Document (CAGD2)

Fall 2023, the NYS Education Department's full implementation requirement of the updated 2020 NYS Physical education Learning Standards becomes a reality; NYS AHPERD here to assist your staff. We’re offering a professional development opportunity so your teachers are confident utilizing the revised standards when building their curriculum and connecting their assessment strategies. More information can be found below.

NYS AHPERD Curriculum and Assessment Guidance Document: 2nd Edition (CAGD2) Training
Trainer: Dr. Clancy Seymour (NYS AHPERD Past President & Canisius University)
The second edition of the Curriculum and Assessment Guidance Document (CAGD2) for Physical Education is a resource that connects the revised New York State Physical Education Learning Standards (2020) with guidance regarding curriculum and assessment recommendations for K-12 physical education practitioners and administrators in New York. The purpose of this document is to provide developmentally appropriate content and sample assessments in physical education that will allow students to acquire the skills, knowledge, confidence, and motivation through participation in quality K-12 physical education programs. The revised document is broken into two separate guides: an elementary and secondary version. In addition, the CAGD2 unpacks the revised New York State Physical Education Learning Standards (2020) and includes an amended adapted physical education services section.
Training Objectives
- Discuss the physical literacy construct and how it connects to K-12 physical education programs
- Review the revised The NYS Physical Education Learning Standards (2020)
- Make connections to everyday practice including curricular planning and assessment
- Describe the contents of the CAGD2
- Preview the layout of the documents with extensive tasks to navigate
- Describe how the documents can enhance planning and instruction in K-12 physical education
- Discuss the importance of culturally responsive approaches to instruction and learning
This training is 5 hours in length and be delivered in an in-person or virtual setting.
Member Price
- Price includes:
- One hard copy book, choice of:
- K-5 Curriculum and Assessment Guidance Document for Physical Education 2nd Edition
- OR
- 6-12 Curriculum and Assessment Guidance Document for Physical Education 2nd Edition
- Plus: One-year, free, web-access to both the K-5 and 6-12 documents listed above.
- Price includes:
- One hard copy book, choice of:
- K-5 Curriculum and Assessment Guidance Document for Physical Education 2nd Edition
- OR
- 6-12 Curriculum and Assessment Guidance Document for Physical Education 2nd Edition
- Plus: One-year, free, web-access to both the K-5 and 6-12 documents listed above.
Our instructor was great. This was the best professional development that I have had in the past 4 years at St. Thomas. Thank you!
The trainer treated us like professionals and was very gracious when responding to our questions and comments. I love to see professional respect. Thank you so much!
Thank you so much Dr. Seymour for putting so much time and effort into this guidance document and revised standards. This is a great tool to use and grow are Physical Education programs!
Honestly, being "Re-inspired" about our profession. It is easy to get caught up in the doom and gloom of the day to day monotony, but it was nice to hear Dr. Clancy advocating so hard for what we do, and remind me why we do it.
As you continue planning for the academic year, please consider hosting a CAGD2 training. The feedback from many school districts has been overwhelmingly positive.
Please contact Dr. Seymour ( directly for more information. Please this form to book a training.