The goal of the NYS AHPERD Foundation is to leave a strong and secure legacy for generations of educators to come. Your gift to the Foundation enables us to provide professional development opportunities, scholarships, grants & advocacy initiatives for our members.
2023- Grant Opportunities
The NYS AHPERD Foundation is offering eleven~ $1,000 grants to members. The purpose of the grants are to support:
· Program development in the areas of health, physical education, recreation, or dance
· Equipment purchase, and/or
· Professional training for curriculum, instruction, and/or assessment which impacts student development
The last day to apply September 30, 2023!
Are you looking for the 2023 NYS AHPERD Grant Application? Look no further.
There are many ways you can make a contribution.
Review the fund types below to see a brief description.
After you make a choice, click the campaign button below to direct your gift further.
Honor Certificate
Express your appreciation for the inspiration that special person has been in your life by presenting them with an Honor Certificate. This is a printed certificate.
Tribute Donation
Tribute Giving is a way to recognize, honor, and celebrate people and events that are important to you by giving back to others.
A gift you give to a cause you believe in.
In Memory Donation
Choose NYS AHPERD to be a recipient of your memorial gifts. This is a thoughtful way to remember your loved one while supporting our mission, which was near and dear to their heart.
Congratulations to the following individuals who have been awarded $1,000 grants in 2022 from the NYS AHPERD Foundation;
Bob Duggan- PS-018 Dr. Antonia Pantoja Community School of Excellence, Buffalo
Brandi Pettit- Pioneer Middle School, Yorkshire
Colleen McHeard- Lynch Literacy Academy, Amsterdam
Donn Tobin Lakeview- Elementary School, Mahopac
Frank Healey- Walter B. Howard Elementary School, New Lebanon
Heather Ratka- Herbert Hoover Elementary School, Buffalo
Jonathan Philby- Springbrook NY School, Oneonta
Kevin Mercier- Adelphi University, Garden City
Kimbra Wilsoncroft- Winfield Elementary School, Corning
Suzanne Leslie- Carrie E. Tompkins Elementary, Croton-on-Hudson
Tamela Ray- Marcellus School District, Marcellus
The individuals were honored at the General Session on Friday, November 18, 2022- at the NYS AHPERD 84th Annual conference at the Turning Stone Convention Center.

Honor Certificates
Express your appreciation for the inspiration that special person has been in your life by presenting them with an Honor Certificate...
Ken Demas Leadership Academy
We support the annual KDFPLA. A one-of-a-kind conference, offering three days of interactive workshops/activities with outstanding professionals designed to help future professionals in HPERD become effective leaders.
2023 Leadership Academy
Camp Echo Lake: September 2023
2023 Foundation Grants Available
Ten $1,000 grants, as well as, the NYS AHPERD Past Presidents Foundation grant of $1,000 added this year.
Eleven grants were awarded in 2022!
Undergraduate Student Foundation Scholarships
We award 5 $250 scholarships to Undergraduate Students at the Jay B. Nash Awards Dinner during the Annual Conference to help offset the cost of attending the conference the following year.
Name A Foundation Grant
Individuals and/or groups have the opportunity to establish and NAME an annual Foundation Grant for either $1,000 or $500.
Option #1 is an annual $1,000 grant. The individual/group will pay $15,000 over 5-years to the NYS AHPERD Foundation.
Option #2 is an annual $500 grant. The individual/group will pay $7,500 over 5 years to the NYS AHPERD Foundation.

Donate Today
A significant portion of the Foundation giving goes to support our future professionals, those who will carry our torch into the future. Remember these words by Albert Camus, philosopher, and author, " Real Generosity towards the future lies in giving to the present."
Foundation Trustees

Sandy Morley
Foundation President
NYS AHPERD Past President

Rick Amundson
Foundation Treasurer
NYS AHPERD Past President

Tom Howard
Foundation Secretary
NYS AHPERD Past President

Sara Daggett
NYS AHPERD Past President

Dr. Mara Manson
NYS AHPERD Past President

C. Brian Oaks
NYS AHPERD Past President

Jason Quitoni
NYS AHPERD Past President

Colleen Corsi
NYS AHPERD Executive Director
Non-Voting Member

G&G Fitness
They will fit you with the right equipment, teach you how to use it, and be with you every step of the way.
Thank you G&G!
We are grateful to G&G Fitness for supporting the NYS AHPERD Foundation by becoming the sole Commercial Founding Benefactor.
G&G Fitness Equipment is a full-service provider of specialty home and commercial fitness equipment. Since 1990, the G&G Fitness Companies have evolved into one of the premier sources of fitness solutions in the United States