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See how we are celebrating our 100th anniversary all year long!


Professional Goals for '24 - '25 school year

1.Expand Professional Development: Participate in workshops, courses, or conferences to stay current with the latest educational research, trends, and teaching strategies. 2.Improve Assessment Strategies: Develop more effective formative and summative assessments that provide meaningful feedback to students and help guide future instruction. 3. Enhance Physical Fitness Levels with Real-Life Relevance: Focus on exercises that mimic real-life activities, such as lifting (simulating carrying groceries), squatting (getting in and out of a chair), and endurance (going for a hike or a long walk).

- Christina Mazur

To find a way to connect with each student to try establishing an environment kids will choose to engage in regardless of ability

 - NYS AHPERD Member

Incorporate Physical Literacy within all lessons 3-6. Upgrade Adapted Phys Lessons to work with content areas once a week K—1.

 - Margaret Collins

My goal is to reach out to all 210 parents/guardians of my students to share something positive about their child with them. My other goal is to fundraise $2,000 for my classroom to create a "Cares Closet", a place students can get health items (toothpaste, socks, combs, etc.) who are struggling financially.

 - Brianna LiCausi

My professional goal this year is to spread my knowledge and experience more across NYS. I always enjoy and am honored to present at the state conference but as the new middle school TOY I would love to connect with other zones via their zone conferences, general PD sessions, future professionals and leadership conferences.

 - Brianne Blaszak

I’m trying to reach “the unreachable” the kid who is always late, always in ISS. I would like to reach a minimum of 4. So far, I think I’ve made a connection with one!!

 - Jennifer Gravelle

Writing a grant to get Strider bicycles for my students.

 - Suzanne Leslie

Talk less, teach more. Introduce students to a myriad of opportunities. Develop a student first program that highlights kindness and respect. Create a brave space so all students feel included.

 - Jim Hambel

Be my best everyday... Knowing I can always be better… So I have to keep raising the bar.

 - NYS AHPERD Member

To better utilize the equipment and technology I have access to so I can more effectively teach my students.

 - Aimie Sarkodie-Mensah-Best

My professional goal is to land my first job!

 - Jared Rago

To help improve the climate of our building. Bring back the joy.

 - Shelly Connors

To be a strong advocate for Quality health, education, and certified health educators.

 - Lori Hewlett

To be there for my students while also maintaining my mental and physical wellness.

 - Kerri Tracy

Take a more creative approach to how I teach my lessons.

 - Jonathan Rice

Attend the state conference for the first time since since the pandemic.

 - Max Young

By the end of student teaching next December, I want to feel more confident in making modifications for lesson on the fly.


I would like to have an idea of what I want out of the next few years of my life professionally, by relying on the awesome support system I have to reassure the  confidence I should have in myself to make decisions.

 - Logan Babcock

By the end of the school year I will expand my knowledge in different teaching styles.


At upcoming conferences I want to get out of my shell and network with professionals.


My goal is to be possible the future president of bportpe club.

 - Aiden Sobrino

Work on my time management by creating daily lists of all the tasks I need to do for that day.

 - Jordan Dywan

Start self talk. Gain confidence speaking. Attend as many zone meetings as possible. Continue to value my academics. Start substituting and coaching in some form.

 - Megan McConologue

To work on public speaking in front of peers, teachers, friends family etc. I don’t feel confident talking out loud and feel as if what i want to say leave my head and I forget/confuse myself more.

 - Caroline Guarino

Speak with more professionals in the field to learn more valuable lessons.


Use my strengths to over come my time management challenge, before I graduate .

 - Matt Cestare

As president of the Coaches Section, my goal is to increase involvement and interaction among the coaches.

 - Steve Yarnell

Ken Demas Leadership Academy


Benefits of Membership

August- Staff Appreciation Month

Click to enlarge

June - Future Professionals Month

Each zone selected one future professional to receive a gift donated by the NYS AHPERD Foundation.

May - 100 Healthy Choices

Want to help us make 100 Healthy Choices?

Simply submit photos of a video of you or your group making 100 healthy choices!
Pictures and/or video submissions should showcase the healthy choices that were made by you, or your group.

  1. All combinations of healthy choices that equal 100 are welcome!
    (minutes, servings, repetitions, etc.)
  2. One person may submit for a participating group. (class, school, etc.)
  3. Certificates will be awarded.
  4. Participants submitting the form will be eligible for random prizes!

April - $100 for 100 years

Thank you to those who have joined the $100 for the next 100 years campaign


Sandy G Morley Judy Watson Ingram Joyce Bloom Danna Steppe
Margaret Robelee Julie L Dietrich Mara Manson Janet A Mikovich
Tamela Ray Cathy Houston-Wilson Sarah C Fiacco Alice Mortazavi
Rick Amundson Kirstjan Seago William Page
Rod Mergardt Laura L. Pizzella Sara J Daggett
Christina Collins Allison G. Relyea Helene R. Schmid
NeverStopMoving365 Joyce Bloom Lori Reichel
Katie Dylag Thomas A Howard James Codispoti
Sandy Williams Ronald L Whitcomb Ellen M Kowalski
Helena Baert Lawrence Debel Barbara K Wurz

March - 100 Reasons Why NYS AHPERD
is important to our members!

NYS AHPERD is a member service organization that provides outstanding professional development, leadership, collaboration, networking, and advocacy opportunities. NYS AHPERD changed the course of my professional career by helping me to learn and grow as a teacher, a leader and an advocate for high quality programs in our state and beyond. During my career I have met so many incredible professionals who work tirelessly for the health and well being of their students and just being in the presence of these individuals has helped me to stay energized and passionate about our profession. None of this would have been possible without NYS AHPERD. I am proud to be a member!

 - Margaret Robelee, NYS AHPERD President

My answer in ONE word: People!!! As I complete my 60th year as a NYSAHPERD member, I reflect on the people who have embraced me and whom I have embraced as mentors, colleagues, role models and friends. Every good event in my professional career has come as a direct result of my participation in NYSAHERD activities and every person whom I have met and worked with has had a powerful, permanent and positive impact on my life. I am eternally grateful for those who encouraged me to join and be active at our zone and state level.

 - ROD MERGARDT, Professional Member-at-large

"NYS AHPERD, celebrating its 100th anniversary, holds importance for me because:

Enhanced Well-being: It champions health, physical education, recreation, and dance programs, contributing to mine and my students overall wellness.

Professional Growth: Through membership, you access development opportunities, fostering your skills and knowledge in related fields.

A Connective PE Community: It builds a supportive community of professionals and enthusiasts, offering collaboration and inspiration.

Educational Impact: NYS AHPERD influences policies and practices in education, ensuring relevant and effective programs for myself and my students.

Legacy of Excellence: Celebrating a century of dedication highlights its enduring significance and relevance to myself, my students and overall community."

 - Joseph Knapp, Dance Section President & SEZ Technology Rep

NYS AHPERD holds great significance for me as it is an organization that allows me to connect with exceptional educators who generously share their expertise and resources, contributing to the advancement of health, physical education, recreation, and dance within NY State. Through NYS AHPERD, I have been fortunate to access valuable opportunities for professional growth, guidance, and networking, which ultimately paved the way for securing my first job after college.

 - Chloe Peer, Future Professional Section President 

"NYS AHPERD is important to me because NYS AHPERD is instrumental to my professional growth and effectiveness in teaching. This organization provides a robust platform for sharing innovative teaching methods, staying updated with the latest research and trends in physical education, and networking with fellow educators. It offers invaluable resources, including professional development opportunities, workshops, and conferences, which empower me to enhance my skills and knowledge. Through NYS AHPERD, I gain access to a community of professionals committed to promoting healthy lifestyles and education, which reinforces my passion and commitment to making a positive impact on my students’ physical and emotional well-being.

Also, NYS AHPERD helped me find my own “why” again. Why I love teaching. I love teaching due to the impact you can have on the students, regardless of their age. It’s all about having a positive impact and being a role model for the kids. I hope that one day, any student or athlete I’ve had the privilege to either teach or coach feels that I had some sort of positive impact on their lives - whether it be just an awesome, fun experience, or a lasting impact that they’ll keep with them forever. That’s why I love teaching, and NYS AHPERD will allow me ways to grow and better myself for students year after year, to make PE their most enjoyable subject!"

 - Vincent Sangiuolo, Professional Member-at-large 

NYS AHPERD is important to me because it is a safe space where we all share the same common goal, to promote a safe, happy and healthy lifestyle to our learners. We have a passion for professional excellence and strive to be the best in our profession. We are always learning and searching for new fun ways to create positive & successful experiences for our learners. NYS AHPERD provides us with these exciting and unique opportunities to grow and learn professionally, through Zone & State Conferences. Oh yeah, we also have Finley!!

 - Christine Gayson, Professional Member-at-large

NYS AHPERD is important to me because it gives us the opportunity to go to the NYS Conference at Turning Stone each year. They fill it with the most amazing presenters from all over. Where else can you learn from morning to night under one building for days and never be so energized because you are learning from Teacher's of The Year and others who are at the cutting edge of new games, creating them and sharing them and new technology for our gymnasiums. Where you can meet you people, socialize and share so much with one another. So much brain power all in one place and all willing to share. I love NYS AHPERD for all of that and so much more.

 - Rita Beardsley, Professional Member-at-large, Aquatics Chair for SEZ 

NYS AHPERD means so many things to me, and I want to try and narrow things down a bit. I found myself in the mix as a college student back in 2007.  So, for me it's about opening the future professional's eyes to the possibilities that the career will one day take you. My introduction to the organization was only possible because of my professors at Queens College. As I made my way through the program it led to attending and presenting. With my participation it was obvious that ideas, methods and the many strategies of teaching physical education would have a profound effect on my path. Between this and my professors advocating for the craft, I was very fortunate. All of these years later, and that is how I remember it all. So APHERD means to me opportunity. Opportunity to communicate. Opportunity to share. Opportunity to spread your knowledge. AHPERD provides an environment to thrive if you take it all in and believe. To be able to sit in a room and attend a presentation from a professional that has quite possibly carved out and mastered a corner of pedagogy is very enlightening.

 - Christopher Kolb, Professional Member-at-large

It is hard to fully describe what this organization means to me. I have been so fortunate to have the ability to push myself and grow as a person and as a professional, and that is directly related to the support and guidance from everyone involved in.

NYS AHPERD. I remember attending my first zone meeting, not knowing anyone, and being welcomed right in, I remember attending my first executive council meeting, not knowing anyone or anything and being welcomed and included in everything. This organization gives so much to its members, it provides numerous opportunities to everyone. I am so thankful to be a part of NYS AHPERD, I really don't know where I would be as a professional without this organization.

 - Eric Kohl, Professional Member-at-large

Well, I remember sitting in my college classes and hearing about this organization when I was attending Community College early in my educational career. I had the opportunity to present some research that we had done on ALC injury prevention in HS women's athletics. After presenting, networking and understanding more about what the organization was about, I was HOOKED! I have been an active member ever since and have goals to one day wear that Jacket, work with State Ed and help continue to advocate for our amazing profession. All of you mean the world to me.

 - Gina Potenza, Executive Council Secretary

After graduating from Springfield College in 1963 and accepting a teaching position on Long Island, I became involved in Suffolk Zone, eventually being elected President and Suffolk Zone's representative on the NYS AHPERD Ex. Council. That was my very first involvement with terrific and dedicated professionals. I made lasting friendships, attended conferences, brought home new ideas to share with my physical education students and was appointed as NY's representative to EDA's Council for Conventions. Thanks to the support from NYS AHPERD, my professional journey continued when I was elected EDA President. Between both organizations, what an outstanding ride as I embraced so many leadership opportunities for over 25 years!

 - Judy Ingram, Professional Member-at-large

NYS AHPERD means the world to me. It is as everyone says, it is a second family. The lifelong friendships of kindred spirits are unmatched in any other organization.
I was brought into the group at CWZ by Sandy Jago and Linda Joyce in late early 2000's. Started as a conference planner, Secondary Section Pres, CWZ Pres, Board of Director for 9 years, Association President, and now COA president. I have seen it all. It has been a joy to see this organization to evolve and I have cherished the opportunity to be a small part of it. The relationship camaraderie, connections and "little pick-ups" have really informed my teaching and my administration career. I have always been so impressed by the leadership and I have admired so many within the membership. Whether it is the incredible leadership of the past presidents, board of directors, office staff or the avid conference goer or familiar face that comes every November to learn, to make our profession better. This organization is the single best professional development experience of my career and the single most influential group of people that I am privileged to call friends.

WHY: Refills your tank, Inspiration, Friendship, Connection to our passion, Professional Development, Collaboration, Energy, Fun, Motivation, Opportunity

 - Jason Lehmbeck, Council of Administrators Section President

NYS AHPERD is one of the best professional associations that I am proud to be a member of. To me NYS AHPERD is about connecting, connecting to other professionals, and connecting to one of the greatest professions there is. It is about striving to be the best you can be and sharing your experiences to benefit others. For me NYS AHPERD is a family of professionals that believe in quality programming and are dedicated to the children of New York State. The connections I have made with the amazing professionals in this organization will last well into my retirement years. NYS AHPERD is an association that all health and physical education professionals should be a member of.

 - Jim Rose, Past President

I started my association with NYSAHPERD back in 1976 when I was asked to present our "Super Highway" program at the state conference (I believe it was at the Concord) and I never looked back. I was "hooked", asked to be among the movers and shakers of our profession was very exciting. Certainly, a lot of pressure, certainly a lot of pride. From that time on I was, or became, even more connected and more of a professional physical educator. Over the years I had the privilege of presenting at many local (Suffolk, Nassau, and Southeastern Zone) numerous state and three National conferences. By presenting and attending these conferences it made me more connected to our profession and my fellow professionals. In all these years as a member (1976 to present) I have been able to connect with some of the most outstanding, innovative, creative, and interesting professionals. Almost all of which I have learned from, copied from, and been influenced by. Being a member of NYSAHPER has provided me with an abundance of friends, colleagues, and associates I never would have known. These people guided me, taught me, and encouraged me to be a better teacher. NYSAHPER became a huge part of my career and life. Volunteering my time is so rewarding. It gives me a sense of belonging to something bigger than myself. Each role, each position gave me more and more insight into the association. It taught me how much we collectively cared for each other, the programs we deliver and the profession as a whole. By being a part of NYSAHPER it kept me current, connected and concerned. Concerned that physical education would remain an important, relevant, and necessary component for all the youth in our schools. Have a connection with our state officials helping to disseminate information program standards and practices to our members. We need to constantly be creating new and exciting curricula, we need to stay current with trends, ideas and up to date health practices. That's what we do!

 - Jason Quitoni, Past President

I finally have re-joined NYS APHERD and it means a great deal to me to reconnect with the PE community. Sometimes it feels I am not heard at work by all of my coworkers. There are so many great resources that can be used from your website as well! You cannot have enough games and activities as we all know. I am happy to be back in the loop and can't wait to finally get to a professional development with you guys.

 - Katherine Kellner, Professional Member-at-large

NYSAHPERD was always a getaway for me to be with like-minded people, to share contribute and grow myself and the profession as well. It was always a nice recharger while attending conferences and a great networking opportunity to explore new horizons within our field. To continue helping me and support me would be to continue providing me with the opportunities to share and give back to the organization as well as learning opportunities amongst like-minded individuals within the tech in PE field.

 - Kevin Lau, Professional Member-at-large

NYS AHPERD supports me every day in my career. The organization is constantly fighting for PE in our state and provides endless PD and resources to its members. When I was job hunting, NYS AHPERD's career center page on their website provided me a platform to share my resume with the state and helped me land my current teaching job. Without NYS AHPERD, Physical Education would not be viewed/valued the same way that it is in our state.

 - Kevin Yarnell, Professional Member-at-large

I am proud to be a member of NYS AHPERD and always get compliments from non-PE teachers on how strong of an organization we have for providing the best professional development you can as well as support throughout the school years with anything we may need! I think it is so incredible the amount of money AHPERD grants to teachers to help improve the Physical Education and Health curriculums.

 - Maris Logan, Professional Member-at-large

As a future professional, NYS AHPERD is my future. Being a part of this association allows me to grow as an individual and build relationships with current and past educators, enhancing my learning ability. NYS AHPERD has helped me create relationships with educators I can proudly call my mentors. I enjoyed the mentor program that was placed to bridge the gap between professionals and future professionals as that helped me create relationships as well.

 - Ryan Kolman, Professional Member-at-large

NYS AHPERD is near and dear to my heart. I have been a member since I was a college student at Canisius College in the mid 2000s. The connections I have made through NYS AHPERD have helped shape me into the educator and lifelong learner I am today. Specifically, our small but mighty Northern Zone is incredible to be a part of. Although we are small in numbers, we have the same common goal to deliver quality professional development, grow our profession, deliver the best instruction for our students, and recognize our students for their superb leadership. We truly work as one cohesive unit to accomplish our goals. NYS AHPERD has supported me so much already. Continuing fabulous professional development and opportunities to grow as an educator would be on the top of my list. I would also like to commend the organization on their efforts to make DEI a priority over the past few years- BRAVO!

 - Shelby Hosmer, Professional Member-at-large

NYS AHPERD has brought me many things, the most important being a sense of belonging and being surrounded by others who share the same vision and passion for our profession. That can get lost in your everyday role, being a PE teacher surrounded by dozens of classroom teachers. The more opportunities, professional development, and ideas that our organization can provide, I will be there! Providing a sense of lifelong learning is something we should always focus on, as no matter how many years I continue in AHPERD I always feel like I can continue growing and learning.

 - Sean Scordo, Professional Member-at-large

  1. Historically NYS AHPERD has advocated for our profession and been crucial when our profession is in need of respect and support with NYS Education
  2. The Conference.
    1. Professional networking
    2. Professional growth
  3. Lifelong friendships with like-minded people
  4. Zone membership and leadership keeps our local members on top of their game
  5. Our districts respect NYS AHPERD and support their teachers attending the conference because they can see the result of the trainings in their PE and Health programs.
  6. Professional language- NYS AHPERD leadership provides its members with appropriate language, such as SEL, so we as HPE teachers can become a better team with our classroom teachers and teach to the "Whole Child".
  7. And finally, what does it give me as a retiree
    1. The knowledge that our students' future will continue to in good hands
    2. On a fun note, it is my favorite annual "reunion" with some of the best people I have ever known!

 - Tracy Sharlow,  Retirees Section President

I’ve gained so many lifelong friends by attending the annual NYS AHPERD conference each year and have learned many amazing skills, ideas, best practices and advice from all of the professionals I’ve met from around the state. NYS AHPERD has made me a better teacher, leader and professional.

- Steve Ciancio Professional Member-at-large

1. Connections! I've met the most dedicated, enthusiastic, fun professionals, that I get to call friends, through this organization.
2. Through my first conference and the "Follow the Leader" workshop I'm currently in my dream job, working in higher education, which would not have been possible without NYS AHPERD!

- Michele Myers, Zone or Section President

I love that I get to make personal connections to improve my professional teaching skills!

- Brianna Goff Professional Member-at-large

A 30 year journey in education requires inspiration and support along the way. NYS AHPERD has held the space for Physical and Health Educators to be inspired and supported!

- Kiki Seago Professional Member-at-large, Zone or Section Past President, NYS AHPERD Board Member


Aside from Health education being the most important subject in schools, the connections I've made through NYS AHPERD are so important to me. The professionals I've met have inspired me to reimagine my future in this field. As a woman of color, it is critical for me to show up and show out in spaces where there may not be many people who look like me. NYS AHPERD has opened many doors for me and I hope to open doors for folks who look like me in this field.

- Richelle Calderon Professional Member-at-large, Zone or Section Past President

Without NYS AHPERD, I would never know the amazing professionals that come up with creative, exciting, and engaging ideas for physical education. I’ve made so many friends through the same passion that I feel at home when we come together and collaborate.

- Amanda Stallone, Professional Member-at-large


- Ted Suttmeier, Retired Member-at-large

New York State AHPERD is important to me because it provides a network of health and physical educators that are passionate about the field. The commitment to making teachers better by providing professional development is important to me because it helps teachers and future teachers learn new a variety of teaching information and stay up-to-date in the field. Most important to me is the sense of community. NYSAHPERD really does feel like a family, I have been welcomed with open arms, made connections with many professionals, and felt the care and love of the people in our field. NYSAHPERD provides a great service to our teachers who in turn serve our students and future.

- Tyler Dame-Meehan, Undergraduate or Graduate Student Member-at-large

NYSAHPERD holds immense importance for me as it unites passionate individuals dedicated to educating the whole person and fostering lifelong movers, learners, and responsible citizens. Through this organization, we can establish invaluable connections, mentorships, and friendships that extend beyond professional realms, creating bonds that last a lifetime. Moreover, NYSAHPERD equips me with essential resources for professional growth, continuous learning, and development, ensuring that I stay on top of latest trends and practices. Furthermore, it offers unparalleled opportunities for leadership and character development, empowering me to make meaningful contributions to both my profession and society as a whole. Without this organization, I wouldn’t be where I am or who I am today! I’m forever grateful for the amazing people and opportunities that NYSAHPERD has provided for me.

- James Paterson, Undergraduate or Graduate Student Member-at-large

Initially, NYS AHPERD was a way to connect with others in my profession for "sage" advise, share new ideas and experiences, and hone my skills. Later, it also became the place where I could rejuvenate and grow. I learned how to advocate for myself and others, the importance of stepping up to help and mentor others, and how and when to lead. Overtime it has also become a place to connect and stay connected to what has become my professional family. Colleagues from across the state have also become true friends. Every conference is a treasured family reunion! The experiences, opportunities and relationships I have made in my years at NYS AHPERD has truly been a blessing in my life

- Sara Daggett, Retired Member-at-large, Zone or Section Past President, NYS AHPERD Board Member, NYS AHPERD Past President

The incredible people in this organization support me and guide me to be the best educator I can be. They are kind, motivating and confident professionals!

- Tino Sofos, Professional Member-at-large

It provides opportunities, lifelong friendships, and is the best way to network!

- Dylan Latargia, Undergraduate or Graduate Student Member-at-large, Zone Board Member

NYSAHPERD is so very important to me because it is a family who creates an amazing collaborative environment where ideas become actions. Actions become programs and the programs positively benefit the communities we work with. NYSAHPERD is packed full of high quality educators who continually raise the bar of excellence for the rest of us to reach for as we strive to grow as educators.

- Christopher Keenan, Professional Member-at-large

NYS AHPERD has been like a family to me for many years. The organization provides advocacy, professional development, and friendships with teachers and leaders from all over NYS and beyond. There’s always a way to get a question answered, a lesson revised, or a dilemma resolved, just by reaching out. It’s a group of caring, helpful professionals, who share the joy of education, healthy lifestyles, and have a great time together.

- Maryanne Ceriello, Retired Member-at-large, Zone or Section Past President

The NYS AHPERD is important to me because it is a professional organization that affords me the opportunity to learn and grow as an educator. It also provides me the opportunity to work and converse with an incredible group of professionals who go above and beyond for our profession and for our students.

- Ryan Cox, Zone Board Member

My fellow NYS AHPERD members have been like an extended family to me for over 30 years. The yearly conference is like “coming home” and those relationships have carried me through the highest and lowest points of my career!

- Doug Hallberg, Professional Member-at-large

Connections with other professionals and retirees. As my life has evolved from teacher to administrator to retiree I have a desire to stay connected with like minded people and to continue to give back to the profession I love. NYSAHPERD provides the link to stay current in the happenings of Physical Education and Health Education that I need for supervising our future professionals in the field.

- Sandy Williams, Retired Member-at-large

NYS AHPERD has given me the chance to reconnect with myself and my peers. I always feel motivated and upbeat after a meeting or conference. I always feel meetings are Iron sharpens Iron and everyone improves!

- Paddy Bailey, Professional Member-at-large, Zone Board Member

NYS AHPERD is important to me because it allows me to connect with current and (other) future professionals in this field. AHPERD allows me to understand different points of view and reaching for a continually improved way of teaching and coaching young students. It is extremely important for me to stay connected with this amazing group and continue to grow as a professional in the field.

- Emily Honsinger, Undergraduate or Graduate Student Member-at-large

Connections and belonging to a likeminded group.

- Dustin Verga, Professional Member-at-large, Former Capital Zone President, Former Section President

First, I want to stay connected and work with the most passionate, positive, and professional health and physical educators. NYSAHPERD is the place to be. Next, it is my goal to provide a positive influence by connecting future professionals and folks in the field. NYSAHPERD helps in that endeavor. Finally, the PEOPLE are GREAT!

- Matthew Madden, Professional Member-at-large

It is my professional compass that has kept me on course for my 37-year career teaching elementary physical education! This network of professionals quickly became my PE family. I continue to stay active in my retirement by being on Zone committees, helping with local and the State Conferences, and supervising physical education student teachers so that I may give back to the profession I so love.

- Barb Wurz, Retired Member-at-large, Zone or Section Past President

I believe in paying it forward. NYS AHPERD is an organization that as a volunteer you can be involved and give back to the profession of health, physical education, recreation, and dance. You can help and support educators and students SOAR.

My NYS AHPERD 2022 Presidental theme was SOAR with Strength, Optimism, Aspiration and Resiliency

When we focus on Strength:
What we excel at, what make us unique, what we are proud of, what are our greatest accomplishments are in return we are effective, engaged, and productive. People who are truly strong lift others up and help them achieve their absolute best. Cultivating strength creates a more fulfilling and happier environment.

When we focus on Optimism:
How positive our mindset is, how we constructively view an event, how we creatively handle a situation, how we are solution oriented in return we are hopeful, motivated, and confident. People who are optimistic encourage others to have a positive outlook, understand anything is possible and see challenges as opportunities. Optimism can be infectious and inspiring generating a joyful atmosphere.

When we focus on Aspiration:
What motivates us, what are our hopes, what are our desires, what are our goals in return we are innovative, results oriented, and accomplished. People who aspire provide others with energy to stay focused and give direction on what is important. Aspirations improve overall well-being.

When we focus on Resiliency:
How we manage adversity, how we improve, how we grow in return we are openminded, grateful and empathetic. People who are resilient support others to persevere, adapt and overcome challenges. Resiliency provides coping skills and protective factors to live a healthy life.

As we SOAR into 2022 year the aim was to grow personally and professionally.
Our association believes in leadership & loyalty, integrity & transparency, respect for diversity, quality service, courage, gratitude & enduring friendships. It is important as NYS AHPERD members that we have the courage to carry out these beliefs so we can SOAR as the best version of ourselves to serve our students, colleagues, friends and families.

NYS AHPERD is important to me because an organization we SOAR together as a professional family.

- Murphee Hayes, NYS AHPERD Past President

"NYS AHPERD is and has always been important to me because of its mission and vision. Our association has literally helped hundreds of thousands of professionals in the fields of health, physical education, recreation and dance over the past 100 years and in turn affected the lives of millions of school age children and residents of our great state.
Personally, the connections and friendships I've made with hundreds of passionate, energetic and professionally committed individuals over the last 50 years has kept me excited, motivated and ready to serve our association during the next 100 years!"

 - Tom Howard, Past President


As an undergraduate some 50 years ago, I had a college professor Dr. Jesse Carl Bennett who introduced me to the organization. Following that an administrator Ron Bouchier insisted I attend a conference. Several years had passed, and then Ken Demas encouraged me to get even more involved. Now, being in a position where I see PE "professionals" across the country, they are pale compared to the level of professionalism our members exemplify. It is easy for busy teachers to blow off or be too busy to attend a conference, but the many opportunities that NYS AHPERD offers allow individuals to learn, stay informed, and connect with other like-minded and dedicated professionals. The people I know and those who have passed, have impacted my professional life the most and all have been NYSAHPERD associates. As a business owner with PE teachers as team members, I am encouraging their professional growth and pledging to assist financially with their continued membership in the organization. That is how much I believe in it.

 - George Blessing, Retired Member at large


When I first started my career I was exploring how I could become the best possible Director of Physical Education; I had much to learn. Becoming a member of NYSAHPERD was a decision that changed my career; I learned what quality PE really was and how to bring this concept of excellence to my entire staff. To say the least, NYSAHPERD was a game changer for me and the district I worked at.

 - Ronald Whitcomb, Retired Member at Large

Gives me some form of support against NYS, knowledge to educate my Administration, and hopefully help to make Health Ed better for my students.

 - Bruce "Corky" Risley, Professional Member-at-large, Zone Board Member

When my undergraduates attend the state conference they see how valuable professional development is.

 - Elaine Gregory, Professional Member-at-large, Zone Board Member

In life you can be fortunate to have a loving and caring family. To have a professional family of colleagues who care and share the same passion as you for the future of our association, it is truly a blessing. NYSAHPERD has always focused on it’s members and created a professional organization that has weathered a 100 years with that goal in mind. I have been proud to be a small part of it’s mission and it will always remain and be a special part of my personal and professional life.

 - Toni Hagerman, NYS AHPERD Past President

"To me, NYS AHPERD is a diverse, inclusive, and collaborative group of professionals who strive to be their best, in order to bring out the best in their students. When we come together for the annual state conference it feels like I am attending a fun family reunion and together I believe we can achieve greatness." 

- Karen Bonnano - 2023 Dance TOY

February - Spreading the Love

In February, we wanted to "Spread the Love" to our hard-working and dedicated volunteers from the Zones.

January - The Big Reveal

In January, we revealed our 100th Anniversary logo.